Assesses alar ligament integrity and upper cervical stability.

  • Side Bending Stress Test
  • Upper cervical instability
Patient Position
  • Seated
Examiner Position
  • Standing beside patient
Steps of Performance
  1. Stabilize C2 with a pincher grip on the articular pillars and spinous process
  2. Passively laterally flex the patient’s neck
Alternative Methods

Lateral Procedure

  • Patient Position: Supine, lying with the head rested on the examination table (supported by a pillow) in neutral alignment
  • Examiner Position: Standing at the head of the table
  • Steps:
    1. Gently lift the patient’s head/neck
    2. Stabilize the C2 with a wide pinch grip around the lamina and spinous process
    3. Passively laterally flex the patient’s head

Lateral flexion of the head and C1 against a stabilized C2 will place stress on the alar ligaments, assessing their integrity.



Excessive movement

  • Instability

Sharp lateral pain at the stretched ligament

  • Ligament strain

Recreation of neurologic symptoms (myelopathy, radiculopathy)

  • Alar ligament instability

Pertinent Negatives

Assesses alar ligament integrity and upper cervical stability.

  • Upper cervical instability
Patient Position
  • Seated
Examiner Position
  • Standing beside patient
Steps of Performance
  1. Stabilize C2 with a pincher grip on the articular pillars and spinous process
  2. Passively laterally flex the patient’s neck
Alternative Methods

Lateral Procedure

  • Patient Position: Supine, lying with the head rested on the examination table (supported by a pillow) in neutral alignment
  • Examiner Position: Standing at the head of the table
  • Steps:
    1. Gently lift the patient’s head/neck
    2. Stabilize the C2 with a wide pinch grip around the lamina and spinous process
    3. Passively laterally flex the patient’s head

Lateral flexion of the head and C1 against a stabilized C2 will place stress on the alar ligaments, assessing their integrity.



Excessive movement

  • Instability

Sharp lateral pain at the stretched ligament

  • Ligament strain

Recreation of neurologic symptoms (myelopathy, radiculopathy)

  • Alar ligament instability

Pertinent Negatives